Meet Omar

Active and athletic, Omar loves any chance he has to be moving around and playing ball. Last year, Omar got to play on the football team and really enjoyed it, and he’s currently just finishing up his season of basketball, too! He’s proud to share the same number on his jersey as his basketball hero, Kevin Durant! In the spring, he’ll be back on the football field to play flag football.

When he’s not playing sports, he also loves to watch them! He’s a big Seahawks fan. Also indoors, he enjoys playing video games on his Nintendo Switch, or listening to music.

In the 7th grade, Omar doesn’t quite have a favorite subject yet, but he knows his end goal is to attend a university with a good basketball team. He’s got his eyes set on Washington State and the University of Tennessee. After college? His ultimate dream is to play in the NBA. A family who can be strong educational advocates for Omar and continue to help him succeed in school is in his best interest.

Chatty and sociable, Omar also enjoys being around his friends! He is goofy and funny and loves making people smile and laugh.

Omar’s caseworker and caregivers all share what a kind, friendly, and helpful teen he is. Omar enjoys spending quality time with the people in his life that are important to him.

When asked about what’s important to him in a family, Omar has expressed wanting to find a family who will support him in basketball, and maybe even play sports themselves! He wants someone to take him to practice, attend his games, and cheer him on. A family that likes to spend quality time together is also something very important to Omar!

Omar also has important biological family members that he would like to remain connected to. A family who can support Omar in maintaining those connections is important.

Can you see yourself on the bleachers cheering on Omar? Reach out to us! We’re excited to find Omar the sporty, fun-loving adoptive family that he deserves.

Could you see Omar as part of your family?