Meet Elijh

No matter rain or shine or snow, Elijh is at his happiest in the great outdoors. From simply going for a walk, to more involved activities like swimming, biking, or basketball, it’s clear that Elijh thrives in nature. One of his favorite parts of neighborhood walks is getting to say “hello” to all the dogs along his route! A dog lover through-and-through, Elijh also has an interest in learning more about how to care for cats and other kinds of animals.

Elijh’s favorite indoor activities are as many as his talents and interests, which is to say: a lot! When he isn’t knee-deep in Legos or making fantastical creations in the world of Minecraft, he enjoys reading picture books or watching his favorite movie, Godzilla. Elijh likes to jump from activity to activity, all while blasting his favorite upbeat music to keep him energized. He’s looking forward to someday joining a sports team or getting involved in other community-based activities.

Elijh definitely enjoys hanging out in the company of others, but also appreciates his alone time to be creative. He's known to be very loving and often talks about his foster siblings being his best friends; Elijh is always happy for them to share in his activities. Elijh is continuing to learn and grow every day and his team is working hard to find an educational style that is best suited for him. Parents who can be strong educational advocates and supports for Elijh would be great!

Elijh very much loves and appreciates his birth family and has maintained some contact with some of these relatives. He’s also close with his current foster family and speaks highly of them and his foster siblings. These will be important connections for Elijh to maintain once he’s adopted.

Elijh is a kid who benefits from consistency, routine, repetition, patience, and compassion. Providing a consistent environment of high structure where Elijh knows what to expect next and there are ample opportunities for him to connect with his caregivers work best for him. Elijh’s team is looking for a stable, nurturing caregiver(s) who can provide him with the structure, routine, and consistency that help him thrive.

What does Elijh wants potential families to know about him? For one, he dreams of having a job in the future where he can work from his phone. He’s a big fan of gaming and is hopeful that his adoptive family already has or will help him acquire an Oculus, or otherwise has lots of games that he can play. Elijh also wanted to reiterate his love for dogs and cats, along with his desire to have brothers and sisters to play with. Families of any makeup who are ready to provide the love, support, and playfulness Elijh needs are encouraged to reach out. We’re as ready and excited as Elijh is to help him find the permanent family he deserves!

Could you see Elijh as part of your family?