Meet Hunter

Hunter is a very energetic young man who really enjoys playing video games or watching fun things on the computer. Currently, while he has his favorites, he loves playing just about any videogame. He can be meticulous in this realm and will put a lot of effort into playing his games well.

Hunter loves to collect both Lego and Hot Wheels. He likes to keep up on any of the most recent Hot Wheels and pays attention to the year of manufacture. This enthusiasm for vehicles extends into real vehicles, both passenger and commercial. Hunter is passionate about anything with four wheels or mechanical objects, recalling lots of information and details about them. Hunter also enjoys RC cars and drones, always thrilled for the opportunity to operate any radio-controlled vehicle.

Hunter appreciates outdoor activities, figuring out how things operate, fishing, sports, climbing trees, and bike riding. His interests can really depend upon the season and location. He enjoys staying busy.

Hunter’s go to food is pancakes and he enjoys helping cook and clean. He is also not shy around any traditional American foods, fast foods and sugar. He loves sugar and energy drinks when he can get his hands on one.

Providing him with the one-on-one attention he deserves and needs brings out Hunter's social side. He can easily maintain conversation in both serious and not-so-serious scenarios. In fact, ample individual adult attention is one of the most important features in a family for him! Hunter makes friends, but also appreciates an adult who supports smaller group experiences. Having his own safe space in a home where he can go to is key. He really thrives when he is the only youth in a household and can soak up the spotlight.

Hunter is currently in the 7th grade. He’s not a big fan of traditional academics but is drawn to science. He would like to get into school sports and extra-curricular activities. He will no doubt experience so much growth and increased learning if he can be in a consistent family and school! A school environment with formal supports and accommodations will be critical for his success. He has done quite well with online work; this could be something to explore with him to help further boost his confidence and success with his educational goals.

Hunter is an amazing young man with so much potential! He really responds well to praise. He has a great deal of talent and an equally great amount of character! In his future home, Hunter will appreciate consistent reminders that his family will be there for him, even through the difficult times. He really values knowing that the adults who are caring for him are committed and really want to be with him.

A home where Hunter can be the only child has by far been the most successful for him. He thrives on structure, consistency, stability and parents who can be his champions and advocates. A family that will support continued contact with his prior foster family is also important.

Hunter wants a family that will be there for him, day after day. He would like a home that has animals he can take care of. Are you up for sharing your favorite pancake recipe with a fan? Do you like to fish? Are you a hands-on go-getter who really enjoys working on vehicles? Will you be the one to gift Hunter his newest and most favorite RC car or complex Lego set? There is so much more Hunter would love to explore and enjoy about the family life he has not yet known.... potentially with you.

Could you see Hunter as part of your family?