
Meet Konnor

Crank up the music, and buckle up! Konnor is always ready to hop in the car for a drive, as long as he gets to be the DJ. Konnor loves jamming along to pop music in the car, and is ready to share all of his favorite songs with anyone who asks.

Athletic and energetic, Konnor also loves any chance to get moving. Some of his current go-to sports to play are soccer, basketball, and baseball. A family who can facilitate lots of outdoor, active fun for Konnor would match his energy perfectly. He’s also interested in fishing, swimming, archery, and playing wall ball. If it’s outside, Konnor is bound to have a good time.

Konnor is also an animal lover! A family with pets or a family willing to have pets would excite Konnor, as he’s told his caseworker that he really wants “his own kitten to raise.”

One-on-one attention is something Konnor really appreciates. He thrives when he receives undivided attention, has a nice, predictable routine to follow, and has caregivers that he can trust and spend time with.

Konnor is very close with his older brother, and will need a family that will not only help Konnor maintain that bond, but support the two when they spend time together. Konnor has other biological connections that will be important for him to maintain, too, as he is growing up.

Konnor’s team is excited to hear from families with patience and the ability to help Konnor navigate challenging things he might experience.

Can you see Konnor in your family? Reach out to us! We’re excited to find Konnor the adoptive family that he deserves.

Could you see Konnor as part of your family?